I am almost ready for our New Years trip. If almost means that I have not packed the first thing and we leave tomorrow evening after work?!
But I do have everything for my New Years Eve outfit!
Yesterday I took a half day so that I could go to the Liberty Bowl Breakfast here in Memphis. I know I have mentioned before that I work a lot with the local FCA chapter and inner city high schools so I am invited to the breakfast every year. I love going and I was not going to miss it! After breakfast I realized that I was not going to have time to get my nails done before we leave for Texas so I ran to the nail salon. Everyone on here voted that with the black dress I should do red nails so I picked this OPI color, Big Apple Red.
Then I went to find some cute accessories. As I mentioned before my dress is black with a leather back and lace up ties all the way down it. So I needed some "rocker chic" accessories but I didn't want to spend too much on something that I probably won't wear too much again.
As I was walking in the mall trying to figure out where to go look I walked past The Icing. I have not been in there in so long!! It was fun because not much has changed since I last shopped there in middle school! ha! I found some super cute earrings and bracelets and a little Happy New Years hat that is super small and clips in your hair like a barrette. Not sure if I will wear it all night or just pull it out at some point but it is too cute!!

I can't wait to be in Dallas!!

have fun in Texas and have a wonderful and safe time ringing in the new year!